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Downtown Street Improvements - Phase II

Bid Due Date: blank 12/5/2017

Pre-Bid Meeting:

Type of Solicitation: Bid
Bid/RFP Number: BE18-098
Date Advertised: 
Construction Estimate: $1,979,000
Plan Holders List: Current List
Cost of Bid Documents: $50
Project Description:

This Project consists of street reconstruction replacing storm drains, sanitary sewer and domestic water systems for the Downtown Street Improvements – Phase II project.


Low Bidder: CBC Construction

Bid Opening/Proposal Date: 12/5/2017
Bid Amount: $1,736,902.50
Bid/RFP Result Summary: View Document
Award Date: 1/19/2018
Award Amount: $1,736,902.50
Notice of Award:  View Document