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Adair-Kennedy Football Field Surveillance System Supply and Installation

Proposal Due Date: blank 9/25/2012

Type of Solicitation: RFQ
Bid/RFP Number: E13-110
Date Advertised: 
Construction Estimate: $8,000
Plan Holders List: Current List
Cost of Bid Documents: N/A
Project Description:

The Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, materials and perform all Work to supply and install a closed circuit video surveillance system at the Adair-Kennedy football field, according to the specifications included in this RFQ.


Low Bidder: Cancelled - See Re-Bid RFQ E13-134

Bid Opening/Proposal Date: 9/25/2012
Bid Amount: 
Award Date: 0000-00-00
Award Amount: 
Notice of Award: