Tongass Boulevard Reconstruction, Phase 2
Proposal Due Date: 2022-12-09
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 2022-11-28
Type of Solicitation: Bid
Bid/RFP Number: BE23-125
The WORK covered in the Contract Documents includes reconstruction of Tongass Boulevard from the intersection of Dudley Street to Mendenhall Loop Road. Work generally includes clearing and grubbing, excavation, 2” minus shot rock with D-1 basecourse, storm drain improvements, new fire hydrants, replacement of existing sewer main line, replacement of existing ductile iron water main line, new sewer services, new sanitary sewer manholes, asphalt pavement, asphalt sidewalk, curb & gutter, mailboxes, traffic control signs, lighting, and other miscellaneous related WORK.
Low Bidder: Admiralty Construction, Inc
Bid Opening/Proposal Date: 2022-12-09
Bid Amount: $1,992,340.00
Bid/RFP Result Summary: View Document