Treadwell Arena, Consolidated Public Works Facility, and Douglas Fire Station/Library- HVAC Control Upgrades
Proposal Due Date: 2022-06-15
Pre-Bid Meeting Date: 2022-05-27
Provide DDC control systems at the Treadwell Ice Arena, the Consolidated Public Works Facility, and the Douglas Fire Station/Library. Connect the facilities via a VLAN to the CBJ network and host the DDC systems from a DDC server located in the Municipal Building.
Treadwell Ice Arena: Remove the Direct Digital Control (DDC) system, provide a new DDC system, and measure and balance the HRV-2 and HRV-3 supply, return, and exhaust airflows at the system level when in locker room unoccupied mode. See Sheet M201 for Treadwell Arena Scope of Work for details.
Consolidated Public Works Facility: Remove the DDC system and provide a new DDC system. Measure and set the minimum outside airflow and damper position for AHU-1, AHU-2, and AHU-3. Determine exhaust fan speeds to balance the supply and exhaust airflow for the range of outside air damper positions from minimum to full outside air during balancing. See Sheet M301 for Consolidated Public Works Scope of Work for details.
Douglas Fire Station/Library: Remove the pneumatic and electric control system and provide a new DDC system. AHU-1, AHU-2, and AHU-3: Measure and set the minimum outside airflow and damper position. Replace balance valves and balance the hydronic heating system. See Sheet M401 for Douglas Fire Station and Library Scope of Work for details