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CBJ Downtown Stair Rehabilitation Services Term Contract

Proposal Due Date: white pixel, space holder 1/21/2014

Pre-Proposal Meeting Date: 

Type of Solicitation: RFP
Bid/RFP Number: E14-180


Provide construction services at various locations within the CBJ to repair, refurbish, or reconstruct stairs within CBJ rights-of-way. The proposed term contract will cover small projects not-to-exceed $50,000 each. Three Contractors will be selected.


Low Bidder: Arete Construction Corporation, Carver Construction, LLC, Silver Bow Construction Company

Bid Opening/Proposal Date: 1/21/2014
Bid Amount: 
Bid/RFP Result Summary: View Document
Award Date 2/3/2014
Award Amount: 
Notice of Award: View Document