Awarded Bids & RFPs

Public Purchase

Contract Administration and Inspection Services for Tongass Boulevard Reconstruction, Phase 2

Proposal Due Date: 2023-02-09 white pixel, space holder

Pre-Proposal Meeting Date: 2023-01-27

Type of Solicitation: RFP
Bid/RFP Number: E23-239


The Consultant shall provide contract administration and all necessary inspection for the Tongass Boulevard Reconstruction, Phase 2 project.  The Consultant shall ensure that the contractor constructs the work in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications for the Tongass Boulevard Reconstruction, Phase 2 Contract No. BE23-125.

The scope of construction work includes reconstruction of Tongass Boulevard from the intersection of Dudley Street to Mendenhall Loop Road

The site of the work is Tongass Boulevard in Juneau, Alaska.


Low Bidder: Wilson Engineering

Bid Opening/Proposal Date: 2023-02-09
Bid Amount: 
Bid/RFP Result Summary: View Document
Award Date 
Award Amount: 
Notice of Award: View Document