Planning Commission

Archived Years

For older staff reports, please contact CDD directly.

Notice of Decision Archive

Meeting DateCase NumberProject DescriptionMeeting Result
03-11-2014USE2014 0002

A Conditional Use permit to expand the manufacturing, retail, and tasting areas of the Alaskan Brewery.

03-11-2014VAR2014 0004

Variance request to reduce the rear yard setback from 8 feet to 2 feet and the street sideyard setback from 17 feet to 2 feet to build a 352 square foot garage.

02-25-2014AME2014 0001

Application to rezone 1.3 acres of Lot 2, Two Lot Subdivision, a fraction of USS 1075, from D5 to General Commercial.

02-25-2014USE2013 0038

A modification of a Conctional Use Permit to allow 'value added' processing.

02-25-2014CSP2013 0009

Planning Commission Review of and Recommendation to the Assembly regarding the 2013 Capital Transit Recommended Service Scenario.

02-25-2014USE2014 0001

Conditional Use Permit for a 2400 sq ft exercise studio and office space in an industrial zone.

02-18-2014APL2013 0004

Appeal of the director's determination to allow fences within the ?no disturbance to 20? natural green belt and visual buffer easement? and ?30' ?no-build? structure setback? in the Montana Creek subdivision

02-11-2014USE2013 0027

A Conditional Use Permit for a Commercial greenhouse in a D3 zoning district.

02-11-2014CSP2013 0032

Transfer of ownership of Kaxdigoowu Heen Dei parking area from DOT&PF to CBJ.

02-11-2014VAR2013 0026

Variance request for AKDOTto conduct road rehabilitation along Fritz Cove Road within the 330 foot required setback of six eagle nests.

Meeting DateCase NumberProject DescriptionMeeting Result