Document Archive

Title:2012 CBJ Regular Election
Date Prepared:October 9, 2012
Prepared By:Municipal Clerk
Prepared For:CBJ
Copy of Record:No
Project Category:2012-10-02 Regular Municipal Election
Physical Location of the Document:City Hall Vault
Electronic Version:2012-10-02-Regular_Election_Archive.pdf

Merrill Sanford, Cheryl Jebe, Loren Jones, Paul Nowlin, Jerry Nankervis, Phyllis Carlson, Andrea (Andi) Story, Destiny Sargeant, Michelle Johnston, Will Muldoon, GO Bond, general obligation, $25,000,000, airport terminal, Aurora Harbor, Capital Transit maintenance shop, Eaglecrest Learning Center, and Centennial Hall, parks and recreation facilities,1% sales tax, harbor facilities, an airport snow removal equipment facility, Juneau Arts and Culture Center facility expansion, new library facility at Dimond Park, water filtration system at Salmon Creek, new child and adolescent mental health facility at Bartlett Regional Hospital, Sealaska Heritage Institute, culture center, centennial Hall, aurora harbor,